The International Union for Crystallography Congress 2017 in Hyderabad
NPEP Newsletter, October 2016
Planning for the 24th IUCr Congress is now of course at an advanced stage and many of you would be hopefully planning on coming to India next year for this big meeting. Many details may now be found on the website
The program is very exciting. The plenary, keynote and microsymposium details are now on the website. Abstract submission begins on 1st December. As usual, some submitted abstracts will be picked up by the chairs for 30 and 15 minute presentations in the microsymposia. There are nine parallel sessions, and a choice of three keynotes each morning and afternoon. Nine special activity microsymposia will handle matters of special concern and interest to the IUCr.
It is planned to have a parallel program on five of the mornings during the microsymposium time slots. This parallel program will touch upon science related matters, outreach efforts, educational matters, specialised subjects like pharma/legal/industrial interface, BRICS, Africa, and so on; generally most things outside of a formal microsymposium structure with its talks, abstracts and posters.
E-posters and e-abstracts will be seen in the 24th Congress. Both these will be featured for the first time. Abstracts will be linked to relevant papers in the IUCr journals, all of which will be open access during the congress within HICC. Each registered participant can select a workshop on 21st August (9 am onwards) for free. Please see the website for a list of workshops. As usual, there will be many interesting satellite meetings. See the website.
Registration will begin on 1st December. The exact registration fee structure will be known at that time. Generally, it may be possible to have a good student package (registration including lunch, twin shared accommodation including breakfast and shuttle if necessary). Students should always apply for the IUCr bursaries as in past congresses. All congress hotels are within 5 km of the HICC. All accommodation (including student accommodation) will be in air conditioned premises. However, the weather in Hyderabad in late August is mild (20 to 30 deg C).
Visas are unproblematic for South Africans. The procedure looks more cumbersome (see website) that it is in reality. Just make sure you do everything in time. Please take a conference visa. Accompanying persons may avail of a tourist visa which are also given on arrival if you apply on the computer before you leave for India. Those of you who are travelling to India from South Africa may fly directly into Hyderabad (preferably via the Gulf) or into Mumbai (Also OK, but you have to negotiate and navigate through a big airport).
Sight-seeing packages within Hyderabad (half day) will be organised between 22nd and 28th August. A full day tour will be organised on the 29th. There is a lot to see in India obviously. If you are interested in places outside Hyderabad, please send a mail to to which address you may also send general inquiries and questions. Please circulate this to other colleagues and students in South Africa.
Best wishes
G. R. Desiraju
Immediate Past President, IUCr
Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit, Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore 560012, India
Chairman, Local Organizing Committee, International Program Committee
24th IUCr Congress, Hyderabad, India
Phone: +91 (0)80 2293 3311; Fax: +91 (0)80 2360 2306; Cell: +919741638848
Date: 21-28 August 2017
Venue: Hyderabad, Australia
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