Role model campaigns are aimed at providing a platform where learners can meet and interact with scientists who act as role models or mentors to guide them on choosing careers in science, technology and engineering and the requirements for studying in a particular field of expertise.
Previous role model campaigns
Role Model Campaign, Ndevana, King Williams Town (31 May 2014)
The NRF-HICD division together with SAASTA’s education and science communication units organised the one-day campaign that took place at Ndevana on 31 May 2014. The Eastern Cape Department of Education was engaged and hence Mr Phumzile Mashalaba (Chief Education Specialist) and Ms Lulama Ntshaba (Deputy Chief Education Specialist) were present during the day’s event to support the intervention. SAASTA was required to provide role models in the fields of biotechnology, nanotechnology and hydrogen fuel cell technology. A total of 10 role models took turn to present on their fields of expertise to the three groups of learners and to interact and answer questions from the learners.