What is nanotechnology?
Nanotechnology, is the study of the controlling or manipulation of matter on an atomic and molecular scale. Nanotechnology makes use of tiny structures on the nanoscale to create useful products of any size that have unique properties, which arise when matter is manipulated on the nanoscale. The nanoscale refers to sizes of less than 100 nanometres, which is in the size range of atoms and molecules. One billion nanometers is the equivalent of one metre.
When particles get that small, they often show unique characteristics that are different from the same matter at a larger size. This is because the smaller particles get, the larger the relative surface area becomes. So materials can become a different colour, can be stronger, or can conduct electricity differently, for example.
How is nanotechnology being used to solve society’s challenges?
Health and medicine
Nanotechnology can be used in many aspects of medicine. New nanostructures are being studied as a new class of drugs to target cancer cells. Nanotechnology may be used in future vaccines. For more info about nanotechnology in medicine, read our Nanotechnology and Health fact sheet.
Nanotechnology is providing new tools to purify water and monitor water safety. This can improve access to clean and safe water, particularly in rural communities.
Renewable energy
Nanotechnology can contribute towards energy technologies, especially in the development of solar photovoltaic cells (for solar panels), the hydrogen economy and more efficient conventional energy production and consumption.
The environment
Nanotechnology may provide ways to clean toxic waste and to purify the air. It has the potential to play a big role in environmental sustainability.
Improved materials
Nanomaterials can be used to produce less expensive and more durable building materials, for example to build cheaper housing for poor communities.
Is nanotechnology safe?
Because nanotechnology is a newly developing technology, there may be unknown risks associated with the technology to human health and the environment. However, the safety of nanotechnology is constantly being monitored and measured as it develops. Specific research is being carried out on the potential safety hazards of different nanotechnology applications.
What subjects do I need to study to work in a nanotechnology field?
Nanotechnology is multidisciplinary. Chemists, physics, biologists, medical doctors, engineers, computer scientists and people from many more disciplines can all work in nanotechnology.
At school level, doing well in mathematics and science is essential to be able to enter university to study one of the disciplines mentioned. At this stage there are no specialised degrees in nanotechnology, but one can study in any of the disciplines that will benefit from nanotechnology, such as chemistry, computer science, materials science, microbiology, medicine, genetics or biotechnology, physics and engineering, etc.
Where can I study nanotechnology?
In order to study in any of the disciplines mentioned above, you should consult university websites to find out their requirements.
Most universities offer post-graduate degrees by research projects in nanotechnology. Many universities do research by partnerships with industry (e.g. Sasol, Eskom, Rand Water) or science councils (e.g. CSIR, Mintek) or other international universities.
Details of the projects available will also be found on the universities websites.