2nd Symposium on nanomedicine and HIV/AIDS in South Africa
NPEP Newsletter, October 2016
HIV/AIDS remains on the top list of killers in South Africa, while the use of potent active antiretroviral therapies are limited by their severe adverse effects, low bioavailability and ineffectiveness. Nanotechnology is an emerging field of science that promises to revolutionise medicine in the 21st century, as it has the potential to radically advance the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of disease, such as HIV/AIDS.
The aim of the symposium is to provide a platform for local researchers and industry to showcase groundbreaking academic and industrial research and promote development in the areas of HIV/AIDS and nanotechnology.
Date: 2 December 2016
Time: 08:30-17:30
Venue: SAASTA Auditorium, Didacta Building, 211 Nana Sita Str. Pretoria Central
Symposium registration & exhibition
Chair: Organising Committee
Dr Steven Mufamadi
Tel:+272756 3905, Cell:+2771316 8424
Email: Steven.Mufamadi@gmail.com
Registration fee: R1000 per delegate and R500 per student. Registration fee includes all symposium materials, breakfast & lunch.
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