1st Symposium on Nanomedicine and Malaria in South Africa
NPEP Newsletter, March 2016
On behalf of NABIO Consulting (Pty) Ltd, in collaboration with Nanotechnology Public Engagement Programme (SAASTA-NPEP, www.npep.co.za), we would like to officially invite you to attend and participate in the Symposium on Nanomedicine and Malaria in South Africa (SANanoMalaria2016), which is going to be held on 26 April, 2016 @SAASTA Auditorium, 211 Nana Sita Street, Didacta Building, and Pretoria Central.
The objectives of symposium are to; 1) provide a platform to local experts to showcase groundbreaking academic and industrial research and promote the developments in the area of Malaria and nanotechnology; 2) highlight government opportunities, research funding and public engagement programmes.
The symposium’s main focus will be: Malaria prevention and control, early detection and rapid diagnostic tests for Malaria and next-generation anti-Malaria drug delivery vehicles employing nanotechnology.
We believe this Symposium SANanoMalaria2016 will be of great interest to you and your department/organisation. Please see the attached document for more information.
A detailed programme will be circulated to all the delegates and speakers. It will also be available on both the following websites (www.npep.co.za ; www.nabioconsulting.co.za).
We look forward to welcoming you at the symposium.
- Date: 26 APRIL 2016
- Venue: SAASTA Auditorium
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