5th Annual Gauteng’s Nanosciences Young Researcher’s Symposium (NYRS) 2015
News category: Nanoannounce
The 5th Gauteng Nanosciences Young Researcher’s Symposium (NYRS 2015) organized by SANi’s Student Chapter will be held at the Thamsanqa Kambule Auditorium on Friday 9th October 2015. Previously hosted by CSIR, UJ, Wits and VUT, the one day event which will be hosted by UNISA this year where top MSc and PhD students engaged in nanoscience and nanotechnology research in Gauteng and surrounding provinces will present their cutting-edge research. The event receives considerably support from SANi, the DST and the SAASTA. A number of guests representing these and other organisations (Mintek, CSIR, iThemba Labs, etc) are expected to be part of the event.
The organising committee received has abstract have been received from UNISA, Wits, TUT, UJ, VUT, University of Pretoria and it is expected that an approximate one hundred people will be in attendance.
For enquiries please feel free to contact one of the Local Organizing Committee member, Professor Sabelo Mhlanga, Email: mhlansd@unisa.ac.za / sabelomhlanga@yahoo.co.uk, Tel: +27 11 471 2104; Cell: +27 73 482 4277.