8th International Symposium on Nanotechnology and Environmental Health (NanOEH2017)
News category: Nanoannounce
The NanOEH2017 Conference is approaching. Five keynote speakers present themselves and their keynote on the conference website so please visit http://nanoeh2017.dk/scientific-program/keynote-speakers/.
Session overview and abstracts
Here you also find the preliminary program and a session overview – many of them already with a session abstract and the names and titles of two invited speakers http://nanoeh2017.dk/scientific-program/session-overview/.
The conference has 14 sessions with in total 48 open slots for oral presentations to be selected from the submitted abstracts. The organizing committee will evaluate the abstracts shortly after submission.
Please note that deadline for abstract submission is 28th February 2017, so if you aim for an oral presentation, please be sure to submit before the abstract deadline.
The deadline for Early Bird registration is 31th March 2017.
Young Researchers grants
We have 5 Young Researcher grants, covering the participation fee of 806 Euro (6,000 DKK) available for young researchers with a maximum of 5 years Post Doc experience. You can apply by following the instructions on the webpage http://nanoeh2017.dk/registration-and-deadlines/young-researcher-grants/.
Guided art tour
Begin the NanOEH2017 Conference with a unique guided art tour at Konventum in Elsinore 29 May 2017 at 10.00-11.30. The tour is free of charge and will be booked on a first-come, first-served basis. You can read more about it and sign up at the Conference website http://nanoeh2017.dk/general-information/nrcwe-invites-you-to-an-art-exhibition-at-konventum/
Spread the news
Please feel free to forward this mail to your colleagues and professional network.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Denmark 29 May 2017!
On behalf of Professor Ulla Vogel and the Scientific Committee of the NanOEH2017 Conference
Kind regards
Paul Anker Lund