National Youth Service Volunteer, Science Communication Division
Ms Busisiwe Ndlovu joined the Science Communication Division at the South African Agency for Science and Technology Advancement (SAASTA) in July 2019 as a volunteer under the DSI National Youth Service Programme. Ms Ndlovu is part of a vibrant team that is responsible for the implementation of science engagement projects linked to the DSI priority research areas. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Marine Biology from the University of KwaZulu-Natal. She is looking forward to broadening her understanding and knowledge of science engagement and ensuring that the South African population benefits by bringing new ideas in using digital platforms for science communication. She also aims to grow as a science communicator, working on the priority areas public engagement programme.
This programme is managed by SAASTA on behalf of Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) and includes the Hydrogen South Africa (HySA) Public Awareness, Demonstration and Education Platform, the Nanotechnology Public Engagement Programme (NPEP) and the Public Understanding of Biotechnology (PuB). The main aim of the priority areas public engagement programme is to promote credible, fact-based understanding of priority research areas through dialogue, education and engagement that will enable informed decision making on related technological innovations amongst local and international stakeholders. The programme also aims to entice learners and undergraduate students – the next generation scientists and engineers – to pursue science, technology, engineering, mathematics and innovation (STEMI) careers, especially those in the priority areas.